So I am finally getting to post about the finale and AFTFR and I am psyched! I was anxiously awaiting Monday and couldn't wait until the time came. I always get so funny when I'm watching the finale's, lol. I get super-excited/nervous and when the moment finally comes I sit there sucking in my breath and practically covering my eyes!! Ultimately I think Jillian made the right choice choosing Ed! I was so happy that those spoilers (or should I say rumors) I came across weren't true!! From the moment Ed walked in to the room on the first show I just had a gut feeling and once they went on that first date, I called it! I have been correct pretty much every single season with the exception of 2 ;) Jillian & Ed make such an adorable couple and they seem to really compliment each other!
I felt so bad for Kiptyn! I think she did the right thing, but you could just see the disappointment wash over his face when he realized what was about to happen. I think that even though I felt like there was something "off" about him, that he genuinely had feelings for Jillian. I hope that he meets a great girl after all of this!!!
And Reid, omg! I give him major kudo's for having the guts to go by a ring himself and fly back to not only tell Jillian how he truly felt, but to propose as well! That was a ballsy move!! I think he might have been a teensy bit too sure of himself, but I still think that it was really sweet that he put himself out there like that. I felt bad for Reid also. I know it must have been so hard for Jillian to make that choice, which brings me to.....
The After the Final Rose show! Kinda boring, but I could just feel the pain and tension coming off the screen when Jillian and Reid were on together! I'm guessing there were probably some little Jillian/Ed tiffs going on after that show!! Poor Jillian looked like she was so confused - did anyone else think that? And Reid, well you could just tell that he was still really hurt and maybe holding out hope that she was going to change her mind? And how funny was that girl that came up and asked him on a date!! lol. These guys are going to have NO problems meeting girls after being on this show - they'll need to fight them off!
So who do you think/hope with be the next Bachelor? There are lots of "rumors" and speculation swirling around! My vote would be for Jake. He's caught a lot of flack for being the way he is but I LOVED him!!! I do think that he would have a really hard time letting women go though - he seems like he might be too nice to be able to deal with that. I guess we will see and I hope it's soon!!!
If you fell in love with Jillian's style on the show and want to know where she gets her clothing or jewelry, check out the fashion and jewelry roundups on my other blog and on Possessionista Is there an outfit or item Jillian was wearing (or anyone else for that matter) that you can't find on the blog? Contact Dana from Possessionista! She is THE fashion sleuth =)