Have you been coveting a certain item but don't want to pay full-price for it? Afraid you'll miss it when it finally goes on sale? I have the perfect solution for you! I've been using Shopping Notes for some time now and love it!! Opening an account is free and using this fabulous invention is so easy. All you do is pull up the web page of the item you want to keep track of in a separate window, copy the exact URL of the specific item, past it into your Shopping Notes Alerts and wallah! You will be notified by email if the price changes on this item. There is also an option to drag the shopping notes to your toolbar to make for easy adding whenever you come across something to add to your lust list!! Here are my recent additions to my alerts...

Both from Banana Republic who is actually offering a special Online Only sale on New Items starting today through July 5th - 20% off with coupon code "BRNEW" and Free Shipping on orders of $100 or more! To open up your own Shopping Notes account
Click Here. Happy Shopping!!!