I seriously cannot believe that over a week has passed since my last post! I apologize for being MIA.... again. One of my New Year goals was to start posting regularly again, and so far, I'm not doing that great of a job! Believe it or not, I've actually been battling some kind of bug since last week. With the exception of that nasty stomach virus that went around last year, I actually haven't been sick in a really long time. And by really long time, I mean hardly at all for the last couple of years! My son was home sick over a week ago and I've been kind of off my game as far as my immune system, so my body just succumbed I think. I had a sore throat and earache for the first time in two years!!! It's not been fun. So between that and this crazy weather we've been having, the time is just flying by. This week I decided to do something a little different. Last year I discovered this amazing post series from Jenna over at The Life of the Wife. It's called The Last Thing Thursdays and it's so fun! I saw on her blog that she brought it back for a bit, though there haven't been a any posts for a couple weeks. So I decided to bring it back here. Jenna typically does a link-up, so hopefully in the next couple weeks she'll start doing so again! In the meantime, here are mine. THE LAST THING I.........
{ Bought ~ Fitness ... }
I've been waiting for the Poundfit DVD's to come out and I finally ordered them last night! I waited too long for the initial preorder and the first round sold out. I'm beyond excited!!! As I mentioned here, Drumming is in my blood. My Dad has been a recreational drummer for my entire life, and I grew up going with him to band practices. I tried my hand at it, and failed miserably, but the urge to drum when I hear a song is always still there. Coupled with my dislike for traditional cardio, this is a great option for me! Poundfit fits the bill as far as calorie burn, muscle building and fun! Seriously, the first time I tried it, I was soooooooooo sore after. Muscles I didn't even knew I had, hurt so bad. It looks easy, but you will sweat and burn. I can't wait to get my hands on this and tell you how it is!
{ I was Inspired by ... }
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I came across this company recently, and was beyond inspired. I love apparel and accessories with some kind of story or personal touch. It's such a fun and easy way to convey your personality and literally wear your heart on your sleeve so to speak. But this company is so much more than that. It reached down into my very soul and grabbed me. After his father died from Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in 2008, Brett Novek started the clothing company Good HYouman in an attempt to save others from the heartache he felt, of which a portion of its profits goes to help people with leukemia and lymphoma. You can read more about his story here. I was just so blown away by this company and everything they stand for, that I had to share it with you. I also love that you can pick the fit, color, and message for your tee as well. They also have accessories and jewelry. I plan on placing an order for sure!
{ Was Excited to Watch ... }
I CANNOT WAIT for The Walking Dead to come back on this Sunday!!! It is, by far, one of my top 3 favorite shows. The last episode before the mid-season finale was crazy and I'm dying to see what's going to happen. This is such a well done show, if you don't watch it, I can't recommend it enough. Even if you're not a huge fan of zombies, there's so much more to it. It really sucks you in and you find yourself really invested in the characters! And of course, it doesn't hurt to look at this guy. Love Norman Reedus!!
{ Obsessed Over ... }
This gorgeous bag was gifted to me recently and I simply ADORE it!!! I have been looking for a new go-to bag for a really long time, and this one is sheer perfection. I've literally been obsessing over it since I got it. I'll be giving a full extensive review of this beauty, including photo's very very soon. So if you love it, make sure to check back!
{ Daydreamed About ... }
I adore this Manifesto from Tiny Devotions. Since I've had the amazing opportunity to be home to raise my son these last few years, I've really taken the time to slow down, think, and find myself. I feel like this is a daily effort and often times, especially lately, find myself letting life get in the way a bit. I've been really working on making a conscious effort to stay centered and living in the moment, rather than constantly worrying about the past or future, which I tend to do. I felt like I mostly figured out who I was when I turned 30. But now as I approach my mid-thirties, I feel myself starting to shift again. I'm trying to really nurture my creative side. So lately, I've been daydreaming about opening an online boutique with beautiful things I create. Right now this is just a thought in my mind, though it's been there for a while. I'm exploring the possibilities and hopefully, maybe one day in the near future, this will become a reality.
Coming Soon ....
~ My Dual Cleanse diary with the Hubs! Finally!! (I had to push it off since I've been sick)
~ My in-depth review on the amazing bag shown above
~ My latest Natural Beauty Lusts
~ My first finished knitting project
DISCLAIMER: With the exception of the bag shown above (which was gifted to me by the company in exchange for my honest review), all other companies/products mentioned are by my own purchase or interest. All opinions stated are ALWAYS my own. I was not financially compensated for this post in any way.