I wanted to start this back when the show first started, but things have been a bit crazy here with running around on the weekends, appointments, etc. So I am starting a bit late in the game, but I plan do a follow-up each week on Tuesdays ;) Let me start by saying that I am a HUGE Jake fan!! I know that a lot of people think he's a "cheeseball" but he won me over with his charm. I think he's gorgeous, sweet and kind and any girl would be lucky to be Mrs. Jake Pavelka!! I am also very pleasantly surprised at how he is handling being The Bachelor. I was wondering if he would be too nice to deal with all these girls and if he would get walked on a bit. But so far I think he's handling it really really well and he's not taking any crap, but he's doing it in a nice way. =)
I'm not going to cover every single thing from the last handful of episodes because it would be way too much! Initially my fav's were Ali, Tenley, and Elizabeth (before she took the crazy pills!). Now things have changed quite a bit...

I'll start with Ali. I've liked her from the very beginning. I think her and Jake seem as though they would fit well together and compliment each other. I think she has that "girl next door" quality and she seems pretty nice! But.... even if how she feels towards Vienna is warranted, I'm not sure how I feel about the trouble she seems to be stirring up in the house. I guess we'll see what happens with her next week!

I liked Ella in the beginning as well, but she remained kind of just a blip on my radar until this weeks one-on-one date. I think she's really pretty and seems like a genuinely nice person! Upon first glance do her and Jake appear to be the perfect looking cookie-cutter couple? No, I don't think they do. But that doesn't matter. I'm looking forward to seeing how she progresses on the show!
Now on to the other part of this weeks show...

I became an Elizabeth fan immediately. I thought she was gorgeous and she kind of charmed me with the whole football thing in the premier. Do I think that she looks like Jakes type? Not at all. But I don't know Jake and I don't know his "type" lol, so maybe she is. Then came last weeks show and I thought the letter and the whole kiss thing was a little odd. I def think Jake was right on about the teasing! I'm sorry, I just don't believe she was withholding a kiss because of her morals. What was this....
"Do you wanna kiss me? But you can't. I know you do. But I won't" stuff?!?!
The icing on the cake was before this weeks rose ceremony when she was supposedly blindsided by the fact that Jake thought she wasn't being genuine. She kept going on about how he was upset because she won't kiss him. Why do people on these Reality shows do this?!? It's on TV, HE DIDN'T EVEN SAY THAT!!! For pete sake I just wanted to jump through the TV and shake her! I think she really thought that she could manipulate Jake with her looks and desire etc and he would keep her around. Sad that it bit her right in her A$#!
Which leaves me with...

Michelle. Wow... just .... WOW. Where on earth do I start?!? My goodness I was shocked that he kept her around after the first show! I honestly don't even know what to say but I'm sure for those of you that watch the show you can imagine the plethora of thoughts I must be thinking! lol. And what was with that comedy act? The comment about the coconuts!!! LOL. Again ... wow.
So I'm really looking forward to next weeks show! I heard a rumor about who gets the final rose, but I won't divulge on here. I also read some very interesting things about a show coming out this summer that I will definitely be looking forward to! Until next week!!
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