I wanted to get on yesterday to post my thoughts on this weeks episode of The Bachelor, however, I had a weigh-in at my sons school for CafeMom's Litter Free Lunch Challenge and was so exhausted, that I didn't get a chance to do it!
So I was really shocked (in a good way) by Mondays show. Jake got a lot of flack for sending 4 women home, but I completely agree with him and think he did the right thing. He is there for love and to potentially find a wife in a short period of time. If he knows the chemistry just isn't there and he's not meshing with someone, why keep them around another week and lead them on? Good job Jake! Now keeping Vienna on the other hand, I'm still not sure about. He must see something completely different in this girl that we are just not seeing. I'm not hating on Vienna or anything. I could honestly go either way. I just don't really see it. But like I said before, Jake could be looking for a polar opposite to him and I can definitely see how he could find that in her!
On another note I have to send back my Clarisonic =( I'm pretty sad about it. It died after 4 days of using it and while I can send it back and get a new one, quite frankly, I just don't feel like dealing with the hassle of it. I would be really afraid that it would happen again and next time it might be beyond the 30 days for me to return it. It worked great but my skin spazzed the second I stopped using it and I just don't want to be that reliant on a mechanical object for the sole reason that I might not be able to afford a lifetime of Clarisonics. So it's back to the drawing board for me. I think I'm going to give a regular skin brush (manual one) a try. It can't hurt right? I found this Facial Cleansing Brush at Sally's and for $1.99 it's not the end of the world if it doesn't work ;)
Per the advice of one of my readers, I'm going to call Clarisonic tomorrow and see if they can send me one before I send it back. While Skinstore has been absolutely lovely in the customer service department, they wanted me to send the defective brush back and wanted to wait to send me a new one once they got the old one. Though they do have incredibly fast shipping, I just don't want to wait! So we'll see what Clarisonic says. I guess I'll give it another go. It does work really really well and I did get it for a really really great price! even if I don't really like the spot brush much ; )
To round up this post I just have to include a photo of this gorgeous dress I came across!!! I am in love. Seriously.... IN LOVE!!! But at $160 it's pretty steep and I'm just not sure whether I should splurge, tie-dye silk or not. Whaddya think???

So what did you all think of Jake's actions on this weeks show? I can't wait to hear all your thoughts!