Hi lovelies! I would like to thank all of my new followers for following my blog and for all the wonderful comments =) I'm looking forward to reading your blogs as well!!!
So it's time for my first of what will probably be a handful of reviews of the Clarisonic Plus =) First off, I want to say that the customer service with Skinstore is wonderful! They offer coupons, they have a live chat which is great if you don't feel like talking on the phone, they offer free shipping on orders of $50+, and my order shipped out SO fast!!! I think I ordered really late on a Tuesday night (so technically Wednesday) and I had it by Saturday! And if you sign up for MyLuckyRewards (this is free and is not an aff link) you will earn cashback (8% for skinstore) on a special luckyrewards visa card! Ok, so on to my review...
I got the brush this past Saturday, but I didn't get a chance to use it in the morning because the mailman came after I had already gotten a shower and we were on our way out to a birthday party. However, I did use it that night before I went to bed and WOWZA! That is the softest my skin has been since I was a baby!!! lol. One thing that might happen, not be gross, is that I got a couple pimples within like 10min. I think probably because dry skin and such forms a shield that must prevent the oils etc in pores to properly drain etc. But it was really no big deal at all.
I've used the brush in the shower in the morning and before I go to bed at night and so far so good. I have small minor blemishes that have come to the surface after a couple days, but I expected that. Most peoples skin purges when using various things such as microdermabrasion, new face creams, masks etc. So I was prepared for that to happen. My only complaint is that the body brush attachment has a sensor that only allows one speed for this brush and it really zaps the battery! I use it on the face brush in the shower and by the time I use the body brush it lasts about 1min and then dies. So my advice would be to plan on doing the face and body at separate times. I may even purchase the normal bristle brush and just use that on my body on the highest setting. But I do feel the brush is good for elbows, knees, etc. And the extra speed is nice. But the normal brush may work on rough spots just as well?
But other than that, so far I'm very pleased with the purchase. I don't know that I would have paid the full $225 for it, but I had my coupon for skinstore as well as the cash-back so I essentially got it for $165. I'm happy with that price! I would definitely recommend that anyone that has trouble with clogged pores etc try it if you have the extra $$. Will your pores be completely clean after one use? No. But they will start to gradually open up after a couple days and I am hopeful that they will be completely clean in another week or so. I'll be doing an update in a few days!
I KNOW! I love mine so much. Best beauty product I have ever had!
I have something
(probably not as nice)
like this..I love it!
{{clear throat..look around room...}}
I just forget about it.
Thanks for the review, I'll probably stick to my exfoliates and hands lol
I saw "The Lovely Bones" and it was not as great as the book plus it left out what I thought were some key events. If you haven't seen it already, I would save your money and wait til it's our for $1.
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