I cannot wait to get them!!! On another very important note, Vampire Diaries starts back up tonight! I seriously love this show!! I don't know if it's all because of Paul Wesley or what, but who cares?

The man is hot and I def don't mind spending an hour once a week staring at him! And I love vamps!! I think the Twilight franchise def missed the boat on him. He would have made a fantastic Edward in my humble opinion ;) And to add the excitement of the Vamp Diaries return after what felt like a major hiatus, Sean Faris is joining the cast!

Love, Love, LOVE!!! If you don't know who he is, rent Never Back Down! Not the greatest movie in the world, I mean c'mon, the lead girl is named Baja ffs, but it's def a gun show between Sean Faris and Twilight hottie Cam Gigandet!!
Any other Vamp Diaries fans out there?