Friday, July 15, 2016

Bob's Red Mill Protein Powders - A Review!

Hi Babes! It's Friday!!!!!! I'm so happy the weekend is almost here. I've been really kicking up my workouts this week and with being so busy at work, and the heat, I'm ready for some relaxation. As I had mentioned in my last post, I was getting ready to try Carb Cycling! And I actually did just take the leap that day! There really was no reason for me to wait. So I just jumped in. But there's one reason I was successful without any prep work ahead of time.

A couple weeks ago I received this AMAZING package from Bob's Red Mill. If you're not familiar with them, they're a company that sells various baking mixes, flours, gluten-free oats and such. I buy a lot of my ingredients from them. Mainly Almond Flour, Coconut Flour, Arrowroot, and the like. I trust all of their products and love them already. So I was seriously stoked to get this package. What did it contain you wonder? Behold.....

Bob's Red Mill recently launched their own protein powders! And I love them. As you can see, they sent a package with all of the flavors for me to try!! I've been concocting all kinds of creations the last couple of weeks. And making shakes is what has really gotten me through these last few days. Carb Cycling is fantastic by the way. I love it and will get into more detail about it in a future post. But having a good protein on hand is definitely a necessity. I wasn't always one for powders. I have a hard time digesting some and there's always a couple ingredients in there that I'm not fond of. But these powders are great!

They're not only Vegan, but Soy-Free, and Gluten-free as well ( all a must for me). They also boast 20g of plant-based protein, as well as 11g of Fiber, probiotics, omega-3's, and are sweetened with monk fruit. So none of that overpowering Stevia aftertaste. Not that I mind Stevia in small amounts. I just can't do too much or I get headaches. I have had no issues with this protein. I love that the ingredients are pretty limited and don't get too crazy with something I might have a reaction to. The only gripes I have iare that it's a teensy bit pricey at $29.99 retail for a 10 serving bag. But I suppose that if you consider that it has probiotics and fiber, that might justify it a bit. And it's a big higher on the carb side as well. Which means on my low carb days I add a little to some overnight oats or have a half serving of a shake.

I do love the flavors, with Chocolate being my favorite! And I also love that there's a flavorless option with added fiber,  if you want to mix it into a smoothie or bake with it without an added flavor in there! Right now my favorite way to enjoy it is by making a protein pudding (just a half a banana, with one scoop of protein, and water or your choice of milk blended to your consistency preference) or the shake below....

~ 1 Scoop of Bob's Red Mill Chai Protein Powder
~ 1 Cup Filtered Water or Milk of your choice
~ 1/2 Banana
~ 1 TB Justin's Maple Almond Butter
~ Dash of Cinnamon
~ 1/4 Tsp Vanilla

So so good! You could even add coconut water to this! I love that when I need an extra boost after a workout. Protein + Coconut Water is my absolute favorite!!!

Make sure to check out the website to look over all the flavors and click here for a coupon! Check back soon, as I'll be posting some more recipes and doing a giveaway as well. Happy Weekend, Babes!


DISCLAIMER: the above post is a sponsored post. However, all opinions are my own. I did received product and a small compensation for my honest review.