Friday, January 21, 2011


Hello Lovelies!

I'm back and ready to commit to my "diet reboot" as I call it. I've been doing pretty well since adding in some complex carbs here and there! I do hate to admit that just in the last couple days I have cheated by eating a couple things. I've been having those monthly cravings if you know what I mean and it's so hard to resist. But it's been quite a learning process. I've always eaten pretty well, but one thing I've really learned is that I can be a real sugar addict. I purchased Jackie Warner's Book and it has really given me a lot to think about. I have been a fan of JW since her show Work Out debuted on Bravo a few years ago. A lot of things she discusses in the book really make sense. Most of her theories center around sugar addiction and Hormonal imbalances - which I absolutely have! And was really excited to learn that you can change these imbalances with your diet, vitamins and supplements. I've been recommended to go on the pill for my hormone issues and I just do not want to AT ALL. That is definitely a last resort for me!

So where am I at now? Aside from my couple cheats, I've been eating food like mexican avocado salad, spinach chestnut salad, turkey avocado roll-ups, eggs and Homemade oatmeal with Irish Oats daily. Love it!!! Not much has really changed. And lucky enough for me, since I added the 1-2 servings of complex carbs (except with dinner or after) I'm still down 4 lbs! At this point I'm looking to do a combo of Tracy's menu's with Jackie's food rec's, which really aren't much different except for the carbs ;)

Thanks again to all of you for all the wonderful comments and emails! I truly appreciate it!!!