In other news.... I'm planning to try out The Whole 30 soon. This is very difficult for me in many ways and something I've thought very long and hard about. If you're not familiar with the Whole 30, it's thirty days of eating alongside Paleo guidelines. In other words - no grains, legumes, processed food, sugar, and a few other things. I know, I know, all of my vegan/vegetarian readers are probably cursing me right now! I'm sorry. I know.... I was a dairy-free vegetarian a couple years ago for about 2 months and while I felt great at first, it just wasn't for my body. Trust me, I want to be a vegetarian, I really do. But I have a myriad of issues that make that very very difficult. Already having a mild dairy intolerance, a severe gluten intolerance and some issues with blood sugar when I eat grain more than once in a day, just doesn't leave me very much to eat. After researching this way of eating for a while now, though I'm not overly crazy about the focus on meat, I've decided that it's just what's best for my body. I currently eat mainly cage-free, hormone-free poultry and some seafood a few times a week, with the very occasional grass-fed beef from time to time. So I don't really plan on increasing my meat intake. That's just the way I rationalize something that is a bit of a tough pill for me to swallow. It's hard for me knowing that I'm eating a once living thing, but I'm just so tired of being in pain and feeling sick all the time. Sometimes you just have to listen to your gut... Literally. So I was kind of toying with the idea of posting my progress on here. Maybe 1-2 times per week. Is this something you all would be interested in? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Last, but not least..... Over the summer I had the amazing honor of being accepted as a Popsugar Beauty & Fashion Blogger! And my first post was just published! I would love for you to check it out and show some love if you like it!!!
I'll be checking in again soon with another book review, some recipes and my latest fashion/beauty fav's!