Monday, February 13, 2012

DIY Laundry Detergent & Tooth Care

Hi Lovelies! So sorry for the lack of posts lately, we've been quite busy. I just graduated from my Holistic Health Counselor program a little over a week ago and have been enjoying a nice break from doing all of my classes at home! I'm planning on adding to my education with various certifications over the next couple of years, so after a year of hard work, it was nice to have a few days of being a little more carefree!

We also got a new puppy a couple weeks ago! I know they are nothing like having a human baby, but wow, it's been a lot of work. We're all adjusting nicely though and he's such a sweet little dog!

His name is Percy and he's a little red dapple dachshund puppy! He gets so cold outside so he has to wear a coat ;)

So with everything being a little more crazy than we are used to with the new furry addition, as well as our son's birthday coming, I've been trying to be a little more thrifty with some of the items we tend to breeze through rather quickly. I kept seeing different recipes for DIY products on Pinterest and decided to give one a try. I made my own laundry detergent ...

DIY Laundry Detergent

1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda
1 Soap Bar - Ex Fels Naptha, grated

I also added a little baking sode as well

First of all, let me just say that this detergent smells really good! I quadrupled the recipe and subbed in one Dr Bronners bar soap as well. I think it works really great on clothes, but doesn't stretch as much as I thought it would and the clothes don't feel quite as soft. And they don't have that smell that I love coming out of the dryer. The verdict? I broke down the costs after I had already made the detergent and I literally saved a couple cents than if I had purchased this Seventh Generation Citrus & Wild Lavender Laundry Detergent. Plus, I get 6% cashback on sll purchases through Ebates. Cashback really adds up fast and if you do a lot of shopping online, it's totally worth it! So lesson learned, next time I'll crunch the numbers before I decide to grate 4 bars of soap!! For now, the DIY detergent is working great for my whites, towels, & bedding ;)

Next up on the list to try.... DIY Toothpaste & Mouthwash! I'm hoping to get to it today. I'll post back when I have my full review!